3 research outputs found

    A New Role for Human Resource Managers: Social Engineering Defense

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    [Excerpt] The general risk of social engineering attacks to organizations has increased with the rise of digital computing and communications, while for an attacker the risk has decreased. In order to counter the increased risk, organizations should recognize that human resources (HR) professionals have just as much responsibility and capability in preventing this risk as information technology (IT) professionals. Part I of this paper begins by defining social engineering in context and with a brief history pre-digital age attacks. It concludes by showing the intersection of HR and IT through examples of operational attack vectors. In part II, the discussion moves to a series of measures that can be taken to help prevent social engineering attacks

    Stake Your Claim: Zero-Trust Validator Deployment Leveraging NFTs and Smart Contracts in Proof-of-Stake Networks

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    We present a novel method for a multi-party, zero-trust validator infrastructure deployment arrangement via smart contracts to secure Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchains. The proposed arrangement architecture employs a combination of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), a treasury contract, and validator smart contract wallets to facilitate trustless participation in staking mechanisms. The NFT minting process allows depositors to exchange their capital for an NFT representing their stake in a validator, while the treasury contract manages the registry of NFT holders and handles rewards distribution. Validator smart contract wallets are employed to create a trustless connection between the validator operator and the treasury, enabling autonomous staking and unstaking processes based on predefined conditions. In addition, the proposed system incorporates protection mechanisms for depositors, such as triggered exits in case of non-payment of rewards and a penalty payout from the validator operator. The arrangement benefits from the extensibility and interoperability of web3 technologies, with potential applications in the broader digital ecosystem. This zero-trust staking mechanism aims to serve users who desire increased privacy, trust, and flexibility in managing their digital wealth, while promoting greater decentralization and transparency in the PoS ecosystem

    A New Role for Human Resource Managers: Social Engineering Defense

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    [Excerpt] The general risk of social engineering attacks to organizations has increased with the rise of digital computing and communications, while for an attacker the risk has decreased. In order to counter the increased risk, organizations should recognize that human resources (HR) professionals have just as much responsibility and capability in preventing this risk as information technology (IT) professionals. Part I of this paper begins by defining social engineering in context and with a brief history pre-digital age attacks. It concludes by showing the intersection of HR and IT through examples of operational attack vectors. In part II, the discussion moves to a series of measures that can be taken to help prevent social engineering attacks.CHRR_2016_Seidenberger.pdf: 553 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020